Monday, September 20, 2010

She ain't heavy...

That can't be right. Just took her out to get weighed today and she clocked in at 1,300# completely empty. And I mean completely - we removed anything that wasn't nailed down. NY says anything over 1,000# has to have trailer brakes, so now I'm nervous. I guess I'll find out the first week of October.

On a lighter note, I received another 2 purchase offers today at the weigh station ... and a sale offer of a 68 Ford pickup :)


  1. WOW you and those offers! *lol* I think I'd sell mine if anyone offered me $ for mine. Not likely, can't seem to find much info on LoFlytes so I don't think they're overly popular or common AND the compact is down to nothing but floor and chassis. :)

  2. The compact with the wings is just so darned cute ... and with the original paint job and all, I think people just fall in love with her. I know I did! :)
